Minggu, 31 Agustus 2008
Here I am at the last of an august rush
Gw ga lagi melankolis.
Gw ga lagi mellow sumellow kaya’ yg apa gw bilang ke orang-orang.
Gw cuman lagi ngerasa klo gw FAILED in almost EVERYTHING that I’ve done!
Bukan perasaan gw doank, tp emang kenyataannya kaya’ gtu.
Here’s the truth.
IP kuliah? Di bawah standar, ga tau deh bkal bisa kerja apaan dan dimana dgn IP yg pas2an kaya’ gni. 2 taun lagi,mba! Mo jadi apa lu??
Kuliah semester ini? Berasa kalah sebelum bertanding. Ngerasain ngulang mata kuliah yg pernah gw ambil taun lalu, bkin gw ketar ketir ngejalanin semester ini dn selanjutnya. Hmm.
Asisten Logprog? Gagal. Cukup kecewa, pdahal awalnya cuman maen2 doank. Stupid!
MTI? Hmm.Ntahlah. Mengingat acara yang dibkin angkatan bawah kemaren, gw jadi ga selera berkomentar banyak tentang ini. Cuman, gw berasa gagal banget ppab nya yg dh dilewatin susah payah. Berasa ga bisa ngejalanin amanah tetua. Berasa gagal jadi seorang kakak pembimbing.
Well,after all it’s not my biggest priority though still it’s one of my biggest attention today.
Icel? Apa kabar? Gagal ngumpulin. Well, this isn’t kind of responsibility. It’s just my wishes. Well, gw sedih aj klo dah niat ngumpulin tp ga diwarok, padahal gw pengen buanget bs jalan bareng ke-14-14-nya. Tapi susah. Kebayang gimana keadaannya 2 taun lagi?hmm.
U know what, kesedihan ini dipicu oleh kesedihan gw akan kejadian 30 agustus silam. Why do all people seems like they don’t care anymore??hell yeah, i know we're just already far away today. higs.
Pacar? Huahahaha!ini lagi, mana punya gw. Udah ga punya, blagu pula bilang benci cowo karna nganggep ALL kind of men in the world are JERK!Hoo. Can’t lie that I’ve got some trauma here that makes me had a thinking like this. Sometimes I think that I can’t be next to anyone. But I still have wishes, hopes,dreams to build a family just like normal people used to do (Hell I know, being normal sometimes is highly overrated. Hoo.)
My family? It grows better. We’re all seems more tight one to another. I just want the best for them, but I’m scared that I , who is a person that my fam really hope for a better life that is too the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING, will just make them disappointed.
Dan kegagalan-kegagalan lainnya yang sangat membumi di kehidupan gw yang juga turut menyemarakkan hari-hari gw.
Semakin hari semakin rumit. Semakin hari gw semakin menjadi orang dewasa yang amat sangat gw tidak suka. Hoo.
Day by day, I just more n more hate this person who called herself as the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING.
Day by day, I just be a grown up person that I really dislike. I just remember the girl’s little time; girl who now called herself as the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING. She really loves celebrating people’s birthday but she’s kind of upset when her birthday is come. Why? Cuz she’s hate being an older person. Older n older that one day she’s finally become an adult who is really complicated, selfish, busy with themselves, heartless, stressful,hate their lifes, full of craps,lie,broken promises and so on.
So what is the point having a life like that, grown people?! Haaaaakh.
Call me naïve, karna memang gw suka dan sepakat dengan pola pikir anak-anak yang selalu menghiasi hidup dengan bermain, main, dan main, yang setiap harinya bermain tanpa memikirkan peluh yang mengalir, bau bdan yg menyengat, dan mmikirkan terlalu banyak apa yang akan dilalui keesokan hari.
As simple as that.
Yang paling pnting adalah hari ini. Hari ini senang. Esok pun senang. Dan seterusnya.
An adult just think about the dots. Why these things happen to me? Why can't I beat that things? What will I become in the next ten years? Can I be a lot more better tomorrow? Well, I’ve got some nice words from my friend, maybe it'll solve these dots problems : “you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”
Will i connect these FAILED DOTS and found that these all are something in my life? will it end happily and nicely?
Let’s see.
N.B. :having a bad day through these days reminds me all of this pathetic facts n it's enough to makes me soo upset and living like a zombie today vv
Here I am at the last of an august rush
Gw ga lagi melankolis.
Gw ga lagi mellow sumellow kaya’ yg apa gw bilang ke orang-orang.
Gw cuman lagi ngerasa klo gw FAILED in almost EVERYTHING that I’ve done!
Bukan perasaan gw doank, tp emang kenyataannya kaya’ gtu.
Here’s the truth.
IP kuliah? Di bawah standar, ga tau deh bkal bisa kerja apaan dan dimana dgn IP yg pas2an kaya’ gni. 2 taun lagi,mba! Mo jadi apa lu??
Kuliah semester ini? Berasa kalah sebelum bertanding. Ngerasain ngulang mata kuliah yg pernah gw ambil taun lalu, bkin gw ketar ketir ngejalanin semester ini dn selanjutnya. Hmm.
Asisten Logprog? Gagal. Cukup kecewa, pdahal awalnya cuman maen2 doank. Stupid!
MTI? Hmm.Ntahlah. Mengingat acara yang dibkin angkatan bawah kemaren, gw jadi ga selera berkomentar banyak tentang ini. Cuman, gw berasa gagal banget ppab nya yg dh dilewatin susah payah. Berasa ga bisa ngejalanin amanah tetua. Berasa gagal jadi seorang kakak pembimbing.
Well,after all it’s not my biggest priority though still it’s one of my biggest attention today.
Icel? Apa kabar? Gagal ngumpulin. Well, this isn’t kind of responsibility. It’s just my wishes. Well, gw sedih aj klo dah niat ngumpulin tp ga diwarok, padahal gw pengen buanget bs jalan bareng ke-14-14-nya. Tapi susah. Kebayang gimana keadaannya 2 taun lagi?hmm.
U know what, kesedihan ini dipicu oleh kesedihan gw akan kejadian 30 agustus silam. Why do all people seems like they don’t care anymore??hell yeah, i know we're just already far away today. higs.
Pacar? Huahahaha!ini lagi, mana punya gw. Udah ga punya, blagu pula bilang benci cowo karna nganggep ALL kind of men in the world are JERK!Hoo. Can’t lie that I’ve got some trauma here that makes me had a thinking like this. Sometimes I think that I can’t be next to anyone. But I still have wishes, hopes,dreams to build a family just like normal people used to do (Hell I know, being normal sometimes is highly overrated. Hoo.)
My family? It grows better. We’re all seems more tight one to another. I just want the best for them, but I’m scared that I , who is a person that my fam really hope for a better life that is too the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING, will just make them disappointed.
Dan kegagalan-kegagalan lainnya yang sangat membumi di kehidupan gw yang juga turut menyemarakkan hari-hari gw.
Semakin hari semakin rumit. Semakin hari gw semakin menjadi orang dewasa yang amat sangat gw tidak suka. Hoo.
Day by day, I just more n more hate this person who called herself as the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING.
Day by day, I just be a grown up person that I really dislike. I just remember the girl’s little time; girl who now called herself as the one who FAILED in almost EVERYTHING. She really loves celebrating people’s birthday but she’s kind of upset when her birthday is come. Why? Cuz she’s hate being an older person. Older n older that one day she’s finally become an adult who is really complicated, selfish, busy with themselves, heartless, stressful,hate their lifes, full of craps,lie,broken promises and so on.
So what is the point having a life like that, grown people?! Haaaaakh.
Call me naïve, karna memang gw suka dan sepakat dengan pola pikir anak-anak yang selalu menghiasi hidup dengan bermain, main, dan main, yang setiap harinya bermain tanpa memikirkan peluh yang mengalir, bau bdan yg menyengat, dan mmikirkan terlalu banyak apa yang akan dilalui keesokan hari.
As simple as that.
Yang paling pnting adalah hari ini. Hari ini senang. Esok pun senang. Dan seterusnya.
An adult just think about the dots. Why these things happen to me? Why can't I beat that things? What will I become in the next ten years? Can I be a lot more better tomorrow? Well, I’ve got some nice words from my friend, maybe it'll solve these dots problems : “you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.”
Will i connect these FAILED DOTS and found that these all are something in my life? will it end happily and nicely?
Let’s see.
N.B. :having a bad day through these days reminds me all of this pathetic facts n it's enough to makes me soo upset and living like a zombie today vv
3 komentar:
la, banyak banget kali achievment lo selama mahasiswa ini. Komitmen dan tanggung jawab lo yg luar biasa itu hebat banget lho laa! gue sedang mencoba mencontoh lo tauk!
Lo tau kan gue sangat payah dalam hal itu. Inget ngga pas jaman TPB, gue sering bolos pendidikan LFM, bolos PPAB, nyampah di divisi-divisi MTI, tapi karena sering bareng ama lo, gue mencoba untuk mencontoh lo. Gue pengen jadi org yg punya komitmen dan bertanggung jawab. Kayak lo. Lo panutan gue Laa!
ngga smua orang seberuntung la2. punya banyak temen dan keluarga yang care, punya kesempatan ngelakuin ini dan itu, punya perasaan peka sama orang lain.. ngerasa gagal itu biasa.. bahkan mungkin itu cuma perasaan la2 yang terlalu khawatir. be tough la! =)
lumer deh gw.higs.berkaca-kaca..
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