Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

it's not right but it's okay, i'm gonna make it anyway (amin)

walau makan susah,
walau hidup susah,
walau tuk senyum pun susah,
rasa syukur ini karna BERSAMAMU juga susah..dilupakan.

-one of OST. Laskar Pelangi-
Sherina klo ga salah yg nyanyi.

N.B. : this lyric goes to evryone who still get along beside me n always want to make me feel better in this crazy semester.
my hope, just like one cute song i know, is that someday life will be fairer, need will be rarer, and greed will not pay.

1 komentar:

wiD mengatakan...

ga gitu ngerti, hehe.... :))